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Understanding How a Medium Works with Spirit: A Deep Dive into Spirit Communication

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2024

Understanding How a Medium Works with Spirit: A Deep Dive into Spirit Communication

Mediumship is a fascinating and often misunderstood practice that bridges the gap between the living and the spirit world. Mediums serve as intermediaries, facilitating communication between those who have passed away and their loved ones who remain on Earth. Working with spirit involves a few simple yet essential practices for successful communication. In this blog post, we'll explore how mediums work with spirit, including their methods, the skills they utilize, and the profound experiences that come with this unique calling.

What is Mediumship?

Mediumship is the ability to communicate with loved ones who have crossed over from this world to the next. Mediums receive messages from spirit and relay them to people in the physical, providing evidence of communication, insights, comfort, and guidance. Mediumship can take various forms, including clairvoyance (seeing spirits), clairaudience (hearing spirits), and various other ways, which I will share in this post.  

The Process of Mediumship

The process of mediumship involves several key steps, each of which contributes to the successful communication between the medium and the spirit world. Here's a detailed look at how a medium works with spirit:

  1. Linking with the Spirit World

Before a medium begins a session, the medium must move their mind to spirit. For me, this is done through intention and focusing my mind "there." This process does not need a certain amount of time, and can actually take place in a moment. This will ensure that I connect with spirit rather than stay on the psychic level of the person I am reading.


Setting Intentions

Before each session, I always set an intention for the reading. I will first link with the spirit world and then speak to spirit, asking for the loved ones who wish to come through to bring me evidential information about their lives and any messages they want to convey to the person I'm going to read for. A mantra I use is simply stating, "I surrender, and I trust, spirit bring me whatever it is that you wish to bring in whichever way I can best receive it." Setting intentions helps to align the medium's energy with the spirit world and ensures that the session remains focused and purposeful.

  1. Connecting with Spirit

Once prepared, the medium begins the process of connecting with the spirit world.


Raising Vibrational Frequency

Spirit operates at a higher vibrational frequency than the physical realm. Mediums raise their own vibrational frequency to match the vibrational energy of the spirit. This process involves aligning one's own energy with the spirit world, which helps to establish a clearer channel for communication.


Inviting Spirit Contact

Mediums often use various methods to invite spirit contact, including meditation, prayer, or specific rituals. By inviting spirit to communicate, the medium opens a channel for messages to be received. This invitation helps to create a conducive environment for spirit interaction and ensures that the communication is respectful and harmonious.


  1. Receiving and Interpreting Messages

Once the connection with the spirit world is established, the medium begins to receive and interpret messages from spirit. This process involves several key skills:

1. Clairvoyance (Seeing Spirit)

Clairvoyance, or "clear seeing," involves receiving visual images or impressions from spirit. Mediums may see full apparitions, symbols, or scenes related to the spirit's life or message. These visual impressions provide valuable information that can be relayed to the person receiving the reading.

2. Clairaudience (Hearing Spirit)

Clairaudience, or "clear hearing," involves receiving auditory messages from spirit. Mediums may hear words, phrases, or sounds that are not audible to others. This auditory information helps to convey the spirit of the loved ones' messages and intentions.

3. Clairsentience (Feeling Spirit )

Clairsentience, or "clear feeling," involves sensing the presence of spirit and sensing and feeling information being sent to them. There are times when I will feel pressure on my head, which is spirits' way of getting me to talk about an injury to the head or illness. Mediums may experience physical sensations or emotional responses that provide insights into the spirit person's state or message. These feelings help to convey the spirit's message in a tangible and meaningful way.

4. Claircognizance (Knowing Spirit)

Claircognizance, or "clear knowing," involves having an innate understanding or knowledge about the spirit or their message. Mediums may receive information without any clear sensory input, relying on their intuitive sense to accurately convey the spirit's message.

  1. Relaying Messages to the Client

After receiving messages from the spirit world, the medium's role is to relay this information to the client. Effective communication between the medium and the client is essential for a successful session.

1. Verbal Communication

Mediums often communicate messages verbally, describing the information received from spirit in detail. This may include relaying specific messages, names, and answers to questions the client may may have.

2. Providing Evidence and Validation

One of the primary goals of mediumship is to provide evidence and validation of spirit's presence. Mediums often offer specific details or information that can confirm the identity of the spirit and their connection to the spirit person. This evidence helps to build trust and credibility in the medium's abilities.

3. Offering Guidance and Insight

In addition to relaying messages, mediums may offer guidance and insight based on the information received. This guidance can help the client understand the spirit loved ones message in the context of their own life and provide direction or support as needed.

  1. Ethical Considerations and Boundaries

Ethical considerations and boundaries are crucial aspects of mediumship practice. Mediums must navigate these aspects to ensure that their work is respectful, compassionate, and effective.

1. Respecting Client Boundaries

Mediums must respect the client's boundaries and privacy during a session. This involves obtaining consent before discussing sensitive or personal information and ensuring that the client is comfortable with the process. Respectful communication and a client-centered approach are essential for a positive and meaningful experience.

2. Providing Accurate and Responsible Information

Mediums have a responsibility to provide accurate and responsible information during a reading. This includes avoiding making predictions or claims that cannot be substantiated and providing information in a way that is helpful and supportive to the client. Mediums should also be mindful of their own limitations and seek additional support or guidance when needed.


The Experience of Working with Spirit

The experience of working with spirit can be profound and transformative for both the medium and the client. Mediumship sessions often evoke deep emotions and offer meaningful insights that can have a lasting impact.

  1. Emotional Impact

Mediumship readings can evoke a range of emotions, including relief, comfort, and healing. Clients often experience a sense of connection and closure when receiving messages from loved ones who have passed away. This emotional impact can be deeply healing and transformative, providing solace and support during times of grief and transition.

  1. Spiritual Growth

Engaging in mediumship can also foster spiritual growth and awareness. The insights and experiences gained from connecting with the spirit world can lead to a greater understanding of one's own spiritual path and purpose. This spiritual growth can enhance personal development and deepen one's connection to the broader spiritual realm.

  1. Strengthening Relationships

Mediumship can also strengthen relationships, both with the spirit world and with loved ones who are still living. By providing evidence and validation of spirit's presence, mediumship can help to strengthen bonds and foster a greater sense of connection and understanding.

Common Misconceptions About Mediumship

Mediumship is often surrounded by misconceptions and misunderstandings. Addressing these misconceptions can help to provide a clearer understanding of the practice and its benefits.

  1. Mediumship is Not About Fortune Telling

One common misconception is that mediumship is akin to fortune telling or predicting the future. While mediumship can provide guidance and insights, it is not focused on predicting specific future events. Instead, mediumship is about connecting with spirit to provide comfort, validation, and support.

  1. Mediumship is Not a Magical or Supernatural Practice

Mediumship is often viewed as a magical or supernatural practice, but it is more accurately described as a form of spiritual communication. Mediums use their abilities and spiritual awareness to facilitate connections with the spirit world, rather than relying on magical or supernatural forces.

  1. Mediumship Requires Skill and Training

Another misconception is that anyone can become a medium without skill or training. In reality, mediumship requires a combination of natural abilities, training, and practice. Mediums often undergo extensive training and development to refine their skills and enhance their ability to communicate with spirits effectively.


Mediumship is a profound and meaningful practice that offers a unique way to connect with the spirit world. By understanding how mediums work with spirit, we gain insight into the transformative process of spirit communication. From preparation to receiving and relaying messages, each aspect of mediumship plays a crucial role in facilitating meaningful connections between the living and loved ones on the other side.

Whether you are seeking comfort, guidance, or a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm, mediumship provides a valuable opportunity to explore these dimensions of experience. By approaching mediumship with an open mind and heart, you can gain insights and support that can positively impact your life and spiritual journey.

If you are considering a mediumship reading, choosing a reputable and ethical medium that aligns with your values and needs is essential. The experience of working with a skilled medium can be both enlightening and healing, offering valuable connections and insights that can enhance your overall well-being.

As you explore the world of mediumship, may you find comfort, clarity, and connection in your journey with spirit.