Here are what others are saying about their readings with Mike! 


Feel free to send a testimonial to Mike. He would be happy to hear from you, and how the reading has helped you in your life.

-Tricia Amundson, WI

  "All I can think of to start with is WOW. I was invited to a group event by Mike and didn't quite know what to expect. I was nervous about what information I might (or might not!) receive. Mike did a wonderful job of putting everyone at ease. He was poised, natural and very welcoming. I walked in with more hope than expectation and was blown away by the insight Mike had for me and the connection he made with one of my loved ones. It's been nearly a month since the reading and I think about the valuable insight he was able to share every day. Thank you Mike! I've recommended you to several people and am so blessed to have been able to meet with you!"

Tammy Maxey, WI

"While during my reading with Mike he had said not to wait to see the doctor about my right arm. Well, what I thought was possible rotator cuff issue turns out it's a major blood flow problem and that artery goes to the right side of my body. Thank You, YOU SAVED MY LIFE!!! My doctor is very happy I came in. I'm adopted so I had to search. My natural brother was (b)lane for the b name that you were getting. I do not doubt you at all. You have been EXACT on everything you've said, and I left with great peace that I didn't have before my reading. I will definitely come back."

  - Sue Benzinger, WI

“I was invited to a group reading with Medium Mike Pozorski and it was the best experience I have had in my 60 years of life. I want to thank you so much I feel so uplifted I can't even explain. I will be coming to see you again for some unanswered questions I need to ask thank you again for this great experience.”

- Jessica Van Derven, WI

“I invited Mike Pozorski to do a group reading for a lady’s night at my house. It was a group of nine of us, and I was the only one who had met Mike. The group was excited, but a little nervous because they had not experienced a Medium reading and did not know what to expect. Mike immediately put everyone at ease with his calm and genuine manner and we had an uplifting, entertaining and moving two hours. The messages that came through were so specific, that there is no way it could be anything other than a gift from spirit. Everyone left in awe at Mike’s talent and excited for the next time they can receive a reading from Mike. I look forward to seeing how Mike’s career progresses and where he takes his gift. And of course, I look forward to having Mike do another group reading. It was a blast and I highly recommend it!”

-Karen Garder, FL

"While on vacation I had the pleasure to have a session with Mike. This was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Without asking questions he made contact with my family member with so many personal, specific details I was in tears. I knew she truly was there with me. I got confirmation for my life path. Mike even answered a question I had in my mind but didnt ask yet. I highly recommend him to everyone!! Mike will be the only one I seek guidance for from now on. Thank you so much. I am so grateful I met you."

-Heidi Lynn, WI

"I am so grateful my path has crossed with Mike through the Inspirational Healing Center. I began doing some healing work with the center after losing my mom one year ago. I met Mike in one of spirit circle groups I began attending. I got to see Mike’s spiritual connections within a group context and the messages shared with me were so spot on. The details of his messages were shocking at times. Fast forward a year later, I remembered so many of Mike’s gentle messages he shared with me and I was looking for some specific answers regarding my relationship with my mom. I scheduled an individual session with Mike and not only did my mom come through with messages but also my maternal grandmother and maternal grandfather (whom I never met). It gave me such peace that my mom and her parents reunited after them having their own relationship discord in their lifetime. Mike is compassionate and passionate in his work. He delivers “tough” messages from our loved ones in the most loving spoken manner. He took time helping me to understand how the spiritual side operates at times and reassured me that my mom was always with me and my family. Not only was Mike able to bring through my mom, grandma, and grandpa but he also intuitively tapped into my families energy giving me confirming messages about my marriage and children. Mike is confident in his approach and delivers validating signs to show you he is connected with your loved one. Mike is the real deal and I am not sure how anyone can leave a session with him with even the least bit of skepticism. Thank you Mike for the beautiful work you do! I am grateful our paths have crossed."

- Doreen Robak, WI

"I invited Mike into my home to do a group reading for myself and friends. Needless to say, we were very impressed with Mike's ability to connect with loved ones who have passed. Mike has a peacefulness about himself and is a caring person who is truly using his God given gift to help others find peace, that they may be searching for. Mike is very specific with his readings when connecting with loved ones that have passed. He is spot on when describing loved one's personalities, and he is very specific with details in order to validate what he is receiving. For example, Mike knew, of a box that was under my friend's bed with items from her deceased son. He was able to describe a sweatshirt from a deceased loved one, to validate that it was her, along with other details no one else would know. Those are only two small examples of Mike being able to verify his messages. Mike is very good at what he does and uses his gift wisely. He is a caring person and that comes through with the work he does. I would recommend Mike to anyone that wants to reconnect with loved ones that have passed or would like a reading about themselves. Mike was also spot on with things he mentioned about me. I don't think anyone would be disappointed after spending time with Mike."

 -Natasha Zill, WI

"When my mom and I scheduled our first reading with Mike, we were very skeptical as many people are, but open to the experience. Within minutes we were both blown away by the information that Mike was able to provide us. He was able to contact multiple loved ones of ours – he described each personality perfectly, relayed messages on personal information that only my mom and I could have known, and brought reassurance and a sense of peace from those he contacted. Some connections weren’t made immediately during the reading, but later on they were after talking with other family members. Either way, everything was amazingly accurate.

Overall, it was an uplifting and comforting experience. Mike is empathetic, relatable, and easy to talk to. He does a great job of making you feel comfortable and making sure you understand the messages being received. He’s very talented in his work and demonstrates his passion for helping others. We will definitely be going back!"

-Stacie Tatera

Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master Teacher

Milwaukee, WI

"I work with Mike on a regular basis, and as a friend and fellow Medium I continue to be impressed with Mike's accurate and detailed connections with Spirit as well as his ability to deliver messages in a heartfelt and truthful way. Mike is very proud to do the work that he does, and understands that it is an honor to help others in their healing and spiritual journey. This is what makes Mike a great Medium!"

 -Renee Unertl, WI

"Mike has been spot on when describing my dad and my maternal grandfather when they have come through during my medium sessions. The messages that my dad and grandfather communicated to Mike were meaningful and pertinent about my life at the time of the readings. The readings he had done about a personal relationship, that I have with another, were affirmed by other psychics and a reiki master. The readings had come to fruition in real life."

-Isaiah Bessert, WI

"As Mike was communicating with my grandma who has passed away, he knew about how she passed, and that her passing was related to her heart, and also knew about her heart problems. Mike also knew about the divorce that took place in her life as well as the abuse. He saw that she had short white hair, which she did, and also explained her personality as well. He also knew about going to her house for easter every year, and also explained her basement exactly. He knew about the packer and other sports banners that were on the wall in the basement too. He also got the name Art, who came through with my grandma during the reading who has also passed, which happened to be my grandma’s closest brother."

- Mary T. Jimenez, WI

 "I had the pleasure of meeting Mike at a James Van Praagh mediumship workshop. We paired up and got to know one another pretty well by working together. Mike is an incredibly talented medium. He has a genuine interest in assisting others by connecting them to their loved ones to facilitate healing. Mediums are a dime a dozen but Mike puts his ego aside and provides clear, channeled, and evidential messages which are impossible to deny."

- Tess Burleigh, MT   

 "I felt uprooted like my anchor cut loose and my ship began sailing aimlessly through untrusted waters. Mom passed September 7th, 2016 from a long illness with pancreatic cancer. While it was a relief to know she's no longer suffering my future felt very unstable knowing my mom will no longer be there when troubles arise. I called upon Mike to reconnect me to my anchor, my mom. We talked over the phone as I currently live in my mom's house in Montana. He saw a church which is my mom's house that she made into her home. He mentioned the shower that she tiled herself. He confirmed that I wear her wedding ring from my dad and that they were divorced. He also knew my dad was on a trip out of state at the time of our conversation. He nailed my mom's nature to a T! She was with us as well as both my grandmothers and cousin. Later discovered from my brother that both mom and my dad's mom passed away on the same day of the same month.

Mike received and passed along my mother's love and support to me in such a way it seemed effortless for him to do. There's not one thing he said that I wasn't able to connect with. I didn't connect with everything he mentioned right away which that's how it works sometimes. Later in the conversation with my brothers, I learned from their memories what some of the messages were from mom. Mom knew I have been in a state of worry since her passing. Mike was welling up with happy tears as he described how she was happy for the things to come from me. He saw that I would be moving and let me know that mom approved and was excited about the move. Although I don't know when and where I do have hopes that it's for the better as Mike had said it would be. In life, mom was adamant that I stay and reside in her church house. My family fought me to accept this but in time they understood why I want to move on and how having mom's blessing with this I have a new sense of ease for following my heart.

Mike confirmed mom will be communicating with me as a guide and how she will come through. I have known since she became ill that there would be a new beginning to our relationship as in life it was strained. Maybe it was my grandmothers who kept telling me through the hard months before mom's death that our relationship was not ending. I had a feeling that mom would still very much be involved in my life. It was that knowing feeling that kept my heart from crumbling. Mike validated that it was really her that came to visit me and not jut a vivid dream the morning she passed away. I feel at ease now and rejuvenated. I feel trust in the waters before me as I know I have an angel by my side every step of the way. My anchor was not lost it just resides on the otherside. Possibly more capable of steering me clear from troubles and cradling my heart as the worries wash away."

 -Justine Quick, WI

"Truly Gifted and Enlightened Young man.....anyone who has ever wanted to visit a Medium or have a reading done to connect with loved one they have lost look no further please visit his Facebook page to book a private reading or find where he will be making an appearance. Thank you again, Mike you touched my heart and helped to get some much needed closure."


- Brenda Gebhardt, WI

 "This was my first experience with a Medium/Intuit. I was part of a group that Mike had been invited to, to do a reading. I was very impressed with his ability to communicate the messages and to "validate" the identity of the loved one. For one of the messages, the loved one was laughing and as Mike communicated with the person in the room he was laughing too! He relayed this and all messages with strong emotion. As he spoke, you could tell he could feel how a person died and he would show you what area of the body was involved even a step further, whether or not it was an accident or suicide for one person. He has a caring and peaceful personality which is evident as he speaks. My Mother passed away a long time ago, and it was so nice that Mike could bring a message through to me from her, it made my heart so happy!! I wish we would have recorded not only the reading but the time after the reading. Everyone was so excited about their communication and how Mike was so spot on! This went on for a couple of hours after he left! We are all still talking about our experience and how pleased we are with Mike. I was so impressed that I have gathered a different group of people and he is joining us for another reading in the near future!"

 -Megan Sneesby, WI

 "I thought you gave very detailed descriptions of the person who was trying to come through so that everyone could connect with the loved one trying to reach out. It was interesting to see some of the details that popped right out, as well as the ones we're still trying to figure out. I really enjoyed the group reading last night. I thought you were very professional, friendly and open. I think you did your best to open up for everyone to have some kind of message come to them. There were lots of laughs, along with a few tears. If you've ever been considering meeting with a medium, I highly recommend Mike. Thanks again."

 - Tamara Bartlein, WI

 "I met with Mike on Monday, April 24th, 2017 for the first time. This is the first time I had ever gone to a Medium. For me, I needed clarity and some kind of peace about things. He went right into giving me validation that my mom was there. My mom had passed unexpectedly and I had so much guilt and grief that I barely could function some days! The things he told me he could have never have known. He truly is a very gifted man! He is fulfilling his purpose in life and that's to help people like me who have had tragedy in the loss of a loved one and put our minds at ease. I will continue to see him and have him in my life! He is truly amazing! I left feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders!!! Thank you, Mike for helping me thru a hard time in my life and giving me some peace!"

 - Lori Holz, WI

 "Yesterday I had a session with Mike and although it was the first time I met with a medium, he made me feel very comfortable and relaxed. He delivered messages from a number of sources and gave me a lot to think about. He offered suggestions on some elements I could add to my life and it totally fit with some lifestyle changes I have already started to make. I also was delivered a message for a friend of mine and I was able to call her on my drive home and give her some peace on a very important event in her life. Mike has a great gift and it is wonderful that he has chosen to share it with others. I will be back to see him again!"

   -Kimberly Hein-Beardsley, WI

"I saw Mike at a larger event where he appeared with other mediums and then I attended a smaller group reading at a friends house. Mike comes across as very compassionate when talking with people. He connected with my father and brought up specific situations that happened only between my father and I while he was in the hospital. There were also some other specific details that I could easily validate as truth. I have felt that my father is still around and it was nice to have it confirmed. He also mentioned the spiritual path that I am on and he gave me valuable advice and insights on meditation and grounding."

-Paula Petri, WI

"Recently I had a mediumship reading with Mike Pozorski. I am so impressed. He picked up on four different loved ones that passed. I was able to go to my family and confirm EVERY thing he told me. Things that happened before I was born or I would not know! I was able to pass on messages he had received to my family as well. It was very healing for them! Mike was also able to give me some psychic information afterward that was very helpful. I since then, have brought my son to him for a reading. Mike is down to earth and easy to talk to in addition to being very intuitive. He is also quick with receiving the information and sharing it with you. You can tell he truly loves his work. I strongly encourage his services! Thank you Mike for two great readings!"

-Tami J. Moreau, WI

"My daughter and I recently had a reading with Mike. My daughter was a little nervous about the reading, since she'd never had a personal reading before and didn't quite know what to expect. Mike immediately put her (and me) at ease from the moment she met him. He has a very calming presence. Mike was able to connect with two of our loved ones - both of whom we had really hoped would come through during our session with him. His messages from our loved ones were spot on. A few messages he gave us took us a few days to make the connection, but once we did, again, they were spot on. I know people can be pretty skeptical about mediums and whether or not their abilities are legitimate, but with the messages Mike gave me and my daughter, there really was no way for him to know. Some were about personal family matters going on, others were about discussions just my daughter and I had been having. There was no way for him to know those personal things without having our loved ones pass the messages through him. Mike has amazing abilities and intuition and I would recommend him to anyone looking to connect with their loved ones who have passed. I'm grateful our paths crossed and my daughter and I are looking forward to having our next reading with him and receiving more messages from our loved ones."

 -Cyndi Courtney, WI 

 "I was invited to a group meeting with Mike. He has such an amazing gift. I have always felt my loved ones around me. He validated this with his insight to the other side that we are not alone. Our loved ones physical being may not be here, but their spirit is. He brought so much peace and love to everyone in the room. He can give you messages that he would never know without channeling your loved ones. He gives you such a sense of love and comfort. I encourage anyone that wants to connect with a lost family member or friend to meet with him. Your life will be better for it. I know mine is. Thank you Mike for sharing your gift. God Bless you!"

- Paulette Falvey, WI

"I had gone to the reading today with a possibility of hearing from a loved one. It was a group of about 12 ladies. Mike made everyone feel comfortable and open to receiving a message from who wanted to come through. It was almost immediate that whoever was strongest came through to their loved ones first. Mike would go into great detail as in how the person coming through had passed, what they possibly did for a job when they were here, how they may have dealt with things in their lives if in a serious or even comical way to find the person they were connecting to. It was interesting how we all seemed to be sharing the emotions of the person getting the reading, as in something to laugh about or even cry with them. It was very overwhelming when I heard from my dad and my sister in law. Again Mike’s description of them was right on to prove to me it was them. For example, he said this person knew I showed horses, Mike described where I grew up, seeing a big gate where my dad kept the horses, it was a gravel driveway, and the house was on a hill. Saying that’s where my dad loved to be. For my sister in law, describing how she came to pass, asking about kids, yellow flowers from her son, etc and helping me make the connection. Yes I got a little teary eyed, but a calm came over me to think wow, they let me know they are around. I felt very blessed that they came through.I feel if anyone is feeling unsettled or maybe wanted the chance to connect with a loved one that has passed, or even get some insight into future endeavors, please contact Mike. He totally impressed me and proved to me that he can call himself a Medium.Thank you Mike for the gift you gave me."

 - Laura Hoftiezer, WI

"I went to go see Mike share his ability as a medium and I just want to say, he is absolutely amazing. He knew things that nobody would know. He really made me feel like a cloud was lifted off me. My brother passed in December and I've been having an extremely hard time with it. Mike made me feel like he was ok and peaceful. Thank you so much."